The Foundry: a Christian Church

Influencers Are Present

Jul 14, 2024    Trevor Harrison

In this day and age, it seems like influencers are everywhere. On every app and every platform, social media influencers

are leading their followers toward what they like, what they don’t like, and what they think is best. They’re leveraging their

influence to get things done, for better or for worse. But have you ever considered you have the same ability to influence

others? Maybe you don’t have thousands of online followers, but everyone has the potential to influence someone else. As

Christians, we’re called to use our influence to bring more people to God. Jesus challenged all believers to go and “make disciples of all nations.” In other words, Jesus called us to use our influence not for ourselves, but for God’s Kingdom. But where do we start? Well, as we’ll see this week, one of the best ways we can do this is to be present and engaged with the people around us. To continually show up in the lives of those we care about to show them they are not only loved by us, but loved by God. When we do that, we’re using the opportunities we have to influence the people around us for good and for God.