The Foundry: a Christian Church

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

At The Foundry, our children's ministry, Found Kids Ministry is all about partnering with families to help kids discover who God is and how He can shape their lives. We believe that the church and family are stronger together, working in tandem to guide kids on their spiritual journey. Our goal is to cultivate in every child the habits of spending time with God through prayer and worship, spending time with others in loving community, using their God-given gifts to serve, and sharing their unique stories of faith. Within the Found Kids Ministry we're passionate about equipping the next generation to live out their faith boldly and joyfully.

Sunday Mornings

Nursery & Preschool at 10:00am

Parents of PreSchool Children and younger are invited to sign their children in our nursery and preschool programming throughout the 10:00 Service hour. 

Elementary Students at 10:00AM

Our children worship along with their parents in our adult worship service. At a point in our service they are instructed to head to a programmed time specifically designed to engage their hearts and minds with stories from God's Word,

March's Teaching Videos

Every great movie tells a great story. When we see those stories played out on the big screen, we can learn a little more about ourselves and the world around us. Jesus knew how powerful stories could be, and he made them a big part of how he taught his followers. In this 5-week series, kids will hear some of the stories Jesus shared that can help them see the big picture of a life spent following God. Kids will see thatGod helps us know what's true, the ways we can give back to God, how God sends us helpers, that God gives us second chances, and how we belong in God's family.

February's Teaching Videos

When we visit an aquarium, we find a whole world filled with sea creatures, plants, and more. Some of the discoveries we've made about what lives underwater can seem almost like a miracle. But it's not just under the sea where miracles happen—Jesus used water in some of his most well-known miracles! In this four-week series, kids will learn about some of the incredible miracles Jesus performed to help people grow closer to God. As they do, they'll learn howJesus does everything out of love, calls us to follow him, knows what we need, and, most of all, thatJesus can do anything!

January's Teaching Videos

Superheroes aren't heroic only when they feel like it— they're brave each and every day. The best heroes can even inspire the people around them to be brave, faithful, and hopeful in their own lives, too. In this 4-week series, kids will learn more about what it looks like to see God as the hero of our story as they hear the story of Ruth and Naomi. They'll see howGod gives them companions, opportunities, boldness, and hope so they can be heroes, too!

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