The Foundry: a Christian Church

BLESSED - Week 2

Apr 21, 2024    Trevor Harrison

Everything in our lives is interconnected with relationships. Our families are a little group of people doing life together. Our neighborhoods are homes filled with people. Your job is filled with coworkers who have the same goals you’re striving toward. (Even if you work remotely, there’s a person on the other end of your emails.) Your sports league is made up of relationships with people who love the same game you do. If you’re part of a hobby club, those people love the same hobby you do! Sadly, the pandemic robbed some of us of so much of what we get from each other. We couldn’t hug each other. We couldn’t go to big events together. Sports leagues and hobby events were put on pause. And when the pandemic happened and society shut down, we were really missing out. That’s because relationships are crucial to life. This week, we’ll look at how relationships are one of the gifts God gave us to bless our lives. We’ll look at some of Paul’s writings to see how relationships may be common, but, more importantly, they’re one of life’s richest treasures. And as a rich treasure, relationships are worth our attention, and also our investment. It turns out that with relationships; we are rich indeed!